When it’s hot and your air conditioner is running constantly, you’re probably not opening your windows to let fresh air in very often, and your home can develop a musty, stale odor. If you keep your pets inside to protect them from our extreme Fresno heat, they can add to the problem, too.
You may not even realize you have a problem, because you’ll probably only notice it when you first step inside after being gone for several hours. But, unfortunately, guests to your home are quick to notice it. Even if they’re polite enough not to say anything.
Here are two simple ways to get rid of house odors and prevent your guests from wrinkling their noses next time they visit:
Pour an inch or so in shallow bowls and place them in different rooms thoughout your home. Put more bowls in the rooms where the odor is strongest. The vinegar should neutralize the odor within a few hours or so. An alternate method is to put vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz it into the middle of the affected rooms. Don’t worry, the vinegar smell doesn’t linger!
Essential oils
Put ¼ c. baking soda and 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oil (lemon, orange, or lavender are great choices) into a small canning jar with a lid. Use a small nail to punch holes in the lid. Add a pretty ribbon and place the jar in a strategic spot in your home. You may want one for each room, maybe two in larger rooms. Shake the jars to reactivate the scent, and once it starts to fade, simply add a few more drops of the oil. (Bonus tip: these jars would make fabulous hand-made gifts!)
What do YOU think? Do you have a tip you’d like to share to help our readers get rid of house odors? Please share it in a brief comment below.
Until next time … Keep it Clean!